Review of Alec Bradley Safe Keepings CigarsAlec Bradley Safe Keepings cigars are Nicaraguan puros crafted by Oliva in Nicaragua and made entirely with tobaccos from Nicaragua. These cigars became available in June 2024 in four sizes, including a Robusto (5 x 52) priced at at $12.29 per cigar, which is the subject of this review. The blend or recipe used for these cigars was actually created years ago and recorded by Alan Rubin in his founder's blend book, and was the first blend selected from that book by Alan's sons (Alec and Bradley) to be produced in 2024 for the first time. The Alec Bradley brand was established in 1996, and was later sold to Scandinavian Tobacco Group in 2023. The cigars are being distributed by Forged Cigar Company. For more information about AB Safe Keepings cigars, please check out the press release. The sample Alec Bradley Safe Keeping Robustos began with a very pleasant and unique flavor that is hard to describe, so let's just call it some kind of floral spice. The smoke was also very mellow, and near the lower end of the medium-to-full range. One sample maintained this flavor profile for the first 40-45 minutes, while the other for only 25-30 minutes. Beyond those points, the floral-spice flavor faded while a more peppery taste became predominate. The cigars were noticeably more enjoyable during the first half than down the home stretch. The sample Alec Bradley Safe Keeping Robustos were very well made and had very good draws. The cigars held a long ash and had even burns. No relights nor touch-ups were needed during the 55 minutes that it took me to smoke them down to two inches remaining. Although the delightful flavors in one of the samples tailed off much too soon, the Alec Bradley Safe Keepings Robustos were still superior cigars with very interesting and somewhat unique flavors, making them worthy of a superior rating of 4.25 points on a 5-point scale. For those seasoned cigar smokers who are looking for something different, these are definitely cigars that are worth a try. Disclosure: Review samples were provided by the manufacturer. |